Data Collection Rules

The Data Collection Rules Technical Committee is entrusted with the task of identifying and updating the data criteria for conducting a homogeneous census of operational losses and the relevant methodological tools, such as, for example, the business lines mapping scheme or the decision tree to classify event types.

In 2008, the Data Collection Rules Technical Committee created a new DIPO AI qualitative flow (regarding major events) for conducting, on a regular basis, a census of events generating losses exceeding 1 million euros.

Moreover, in 2008, the Committee also drafted a document with respect to the census of operational losses associated with legal risk.

In 2009, the Committee is currently working on the following document: “Aspetti definitori per gli eventi di perdita di non conformità cross con il rischio operativo. Analisi delle eventuali ricadute sui flussi di andata e ritorno DIPO". (“Aspects to define loss events of non cross-compliance with respect to operational risk. Analysis of potential repercussions on initial information flows and feedback to and from DIPO”).

All members have the right to participate in the Technical Committee.

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